The Scale of the Universe (Interactive)

(Scroll to zoom through the universe, magnitude of zoom at the bottom right, click on things for a short description)

This program is designed to give us a chance to fathom the scale of our universe relative to things we can fathom. At the beginning we see ourselves, humans. Scroll just for a second and we become too small to see or to big to notice. The grand scale of the universe is so unimaginably vast. This interactive picture goes from our observable universe (93 billion light-years according to the program) to the smallest possible distance that makes any physical sense, a planck length (10^-35 meters, the scale at which the space-time fabric exists and the theorized strings from string theory). Everything imaginable can be found between these two extremes of the universe, from the biggest galaxies to the smallest nuclei, from the largest superstructures in our known universe to the smallest quarks described by the Standard Model. The scale of the universe is grand, and I hope you guys can appreciate the great job the developers did with this program. Enjoy having your mind blown!


1 thought on “The Scale of the Universe (Interactive)

  1. Mind=Blown…I actually wrote my first blog on the same topic. Pretty incredible how tiny Earth appears on the grand scale of things. The question becomes should the knowledge of our massive universe change the way we live our lives everyday? Should we be making the most out of every opportunity we are given?

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